Mathematics Resources
Placement testing in mathematics is required of all students who need to enroll in mathematics at Wisconsin Lutheran College for the first time. This includes transfer students having an uncertain attainment level or college mathematics credits more than two years old. Students desiring advanced placement in calculus also need to demonstrate proficiency on the placement exams. In all cases the department of mathematics will decide which students require placement testing. The department of mathematics determines a student's mathematics placement on the basis of high school grades, ACT/SAT scores, placement testing, and (if necessary) personal interview.
Freshman Honors in Mathematics
Freshman Honors in Mathematics is awarded to students in recognition of outstanding performance during their freshman year in mathematics courses at the level of Calculus 1 or higher.
Nicolas Bourbaki Scholarship
The Nicolas Bourbaki Scholarship is a $1000 tuition stipend typically awarded to a second year student majoring in mathematics who has demonstrated the potential for excellence in mathematics.
Nicolas Bourbaki is a fictitious mathematician. In 1935 a collaboration of six great French mathematicians (Henri Cartan, Claude Chevalley, Jean Delsarte, Jean Dieudonné, René de Possel, and André Weil) organized and began publishing under this pen-name. They produced a multi-volume work, Éléments de Mathématique, which provided a unified development of mathematics with an emphasis on abstraction and rigor. A Bourbaki Seminar in their honor is sponsored each year in Paris.
Gary Sorensen Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics
The Gary Sorensen Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics is a monetary tuition stipend typically awarded to a third year student majoring in mathematics who has shown diligence and exceptional performance in mathematics. This scholarship was established by John, Lisa, and the Sorensen family to honor the memory of John's father. John graduated summa cum laude from Wisconsin Lutheran College in 2000 with a major in mathematics.
Majoring in mathematics can serve as preparation for diverse career opportunities. The following links will direct you to the career pages of major professional organizations.
SIAM Career Information
Careers in applied mathematics and the computational sciences. Includes discussions of the industrial environment, what employers expect, preparing for industrial employment, and personal profiles.
MAA Career Profiles
People talking about their jobs. These short essays describe a wide variety of careers in which a mathematical background is useful.
Mathematical Sciences Career Information
Nonacademic employment opportunities, career profiles, and mathematics applications index (how math is being used in industry and government). Summary of demographic, educational and employment characteristics of recent bachelor's and master's degree recipients working in nonacademic positions. Career planning resources. Sponsored jointly by AMS-MAA-SIAM.
Statistics and the Statistics Profession
What is statistics? What statisticians do, professional development, careers in statistics. Sponsored by the American Statistical Association.
What is operations research/management science? Career profiles, and much more. Sponsored by the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences.
Be an Actuary!
Mathematics in the insurance industry. High salaries, professional prestige, and high quality work environment are just some of the reasons actuarial science has been named the best job in America by Jobs Rated Almanac. You may also want to visit the website for the Society of Actuaries.
Careers in Science and Engineering
A student planning guide to graduate school and beyond. Career goals, meeting your career goals, survival skills and personal attributes you need to succeed, educational requirements, choosing the right job. Sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences, USA.
Mathematics Teaching Professions
- College/university teaching and research
- Two-year colleges
- Elementary and high school
The links on this page were selected to provide a starting point for undergraduate college students with an interest in mathematics. Links will open in a new window.
Encyclopedic/Dictionary Resources
Extensive collection of articles on mathematical topics with alphabetical index and search engine.
Professional Organizations
MAA (Mathematical Association of America)
Special section for students, links to student MAA chapter websites, available REU's (Research Experience Undergraduate), link to Mathematical Contest in Modeling.
AMS (American Mathematical Society)
Geared toward professional researchers. Good starting point for mathematics on the WWW.
EMS (European Mathematical Society) (in English)
The European counterpart to AMS. The Electronic Library of Mathematics, MATH Database 1931-1997, about the European Mathematical Society, information on mathematical activities (includes list of math servers). Master server operated by FIZ Karlsruhe / Zentralblatt für Mathematik (Berlin, Germany).
SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
Links to the world of applied mathematics and computing, professional opportunities.
IMA (Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications)
An international organization headquarted in England with a focus similar to SIAM. (Essex, UK)
ASA (American Statistical Association)
Graduate schools in statistics, careers in statistics, and links to other pertinent sites.
INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences)
Gateway to OR/MS: Educational and Student Affairs Homepage, educational programs, careers booklet, professional opportunities, job placement, summer internships, on-line publications, news, and links.
SOA (Society of Actuaries)
The leading professionals in the modeling and management of financial risk and contingent events. Publications, education and actuarial exams, research, continuing education, newsroom, special interest groups, and links.
CAS (Casuality Actuarial Society)
Application of actuarial science to property, casualty and similar risk exposures. Students' corner, events, research, continuing education, publications, online catalog, discussion forum, press releases, download materials, and links.
AMATYC (American Mathematical Organization of Two-Year Colleges)
A national forum for the improvement of mathematics instruction in the first two years of college. Publications, events, discussion forum, workshops, projects, and links.
COMAP (Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications)
Of interest to education students and faculty. Excellent source of teaching materials in mathematics (elementary, secondary, and collegiate).
NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics)
For elementary and high school teachers of mathematics. Curriculum and evaluation standards, news, news service, online jobs.
Institutes & Laboratories
FLC - Federal Laboratory Consortium
Find out what research is being conducted at federal laboratories (more than 700 of them!). Enter a search topic (e.g. sensors) and learn who's doing research in that area.
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
The Institute has long been a leader in mathematical analysis, applied mathematics, and scientific computation, with special emphasis on partial differential equations and their applications. In computer science, the Institute excels in theory, programming languages, computer graphics, and parallel computing. (New York University)
Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences
"The Institute supports research in pure and applied mathematics, statistics, computer science, and at the interface of mathematics with a broad spectrum of other disciplines including engineering, mathematical biology, theoretical physics, economics and mathematical finance, telecommunications, and medicine." (Sponsored by a coalition of government, business, and universities; Ontario, Canada)
"The Institute is named after Canadian mathematician John Charles Fields (1863-1932). He was very active in the international mathematics community and was responsible for organizing and presiding over the first post-World War I meeting of the International Congress of Mathematicians (Toronto, 1924). A Nobel Prize does not exist in mathematics, and Fields felt strongly that there should be similar recognition in the area. He established the International Medal for Outstanding Discoveries in Mathematics which, contrary to his personal directive, is now known as the Fields Medal."
Institute for Mathematics and its Applications
Established in 1982 by the National Science Foundation. Its mission is "to identify problems and areas of mathematical research needed in other sciences" and "to encourage the participation of mathematicians in these areas of application by providing settings conducive to the solution of such problems, and by demonstrating that first-rate mathematics can make a real impact in the sciences." (U. of Minnesota, Minneapolis)
Princeton Institute for Advanced Study (Mathematics)
The School of Mathematics at the Institute "is an international center of research and postdoctoral training in many diverse aspects of mathematics including pure mathematics, combinatorics, mathematical physics and applied mathematics."
"Fifty to sixty mathematicians are invited to the School each year to study with the Faculty and to pursue research projects of their own. A small number of memberships for a longer period of time are also available. Funding for candidates comes from a variety of sources. Some mathematicians are funded by the Institute, others receive financial aid from their home institutions, and a portion receive grants from governments or foundations."